Digital, calibratable humidity and temperature sensors with maximum measurement accurancy
Modul-based, interlocking design for maximum flexibility
Exchangeable single components (e.g. sensor head)
Unbeatable size: the whole measuring transducer fits into a very tiny casing
Coverage of all common analogue outputs (optional preset switch output)
Unprecedented quality level: DakkS- & ISO 9001-certification
Digital, calibratable humidity and temperature sensors with maximum measurement accurancy
Modul-based, interlocking design for maximum flexibility
Exchangeable single components (e.g. sensor head)
Unbeatable size: the whole measuring transducer fits into a very tiny casing
Coverage of all common analogue outputs (optional preset switch output)
Unprecedented quality level: DakkS- & ISO 9001-certification
Digital, calibratable humidity and temperature sensors with maximum measurement accurancy
Modul-based, interlocking design for maximum flexibility
Exchangeable single components (e.g. sensor head)
Unbeatable size: the whole measuring transducer fits into a very tiny casing
Coverage of all common analogue outputs (optional preset switch output)
Unprecedented quality level: DakkS- & ISO 9001-certification


Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Datenlogger für Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit kommen überall dort zum Einsatz, wo eine Langzeitüberwachung von Messparametern erfolgen soll, ohne dass ständig Personal vor Ort anwesend sein muss. So lassen sich auch schwer zugängliche oder weit entfernte Messstellen erreichen. Mit dem Omni Sensors Mehrkanal-Datenlogger können Sie bis zu 256 Sensoren zur Messung von Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit parallel anschließen, auswerten und dokumentieren. Damit eignet sich der Datenlogger hervorragend zur Qualitätssicherung in Industrieanlagen, in Laboren und Forschungseinrichtungen, bei Transport und Lagerung von Waren sowie in Treibhäusern und Wetterstationen. Der bereits fertig kalibrierte Klima-Datenlogger kann über eine USB-Schnittstelle direkt mit Ihrem PC verbunden werden und liefert kontinuierlich und zuverlässig alle gewünschten Messdaten.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.

Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Omni Sensors is a specialist for innovative measuring transducers for capturing temperature and humidity and offers compact all-in-one solutions in this field. Our portfolio covers both digital USB sensors and sensors for control tasks of machines of any function. Choose from a wide variety of products to fit your individual requirements and become convinced of our innovative systems characterized by high precision of the measuring results.
Mit Omni Sensors Datenlogger für Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit können Sie die ermittelten Messdaten auf zwei unterschiedlichen Wegen in Ihr System übertragen: entweder über einen digitalen USB-Transmitter, der direkt an den USB-Port Ihres PCs andockt, oder über einen SPS-Transmitter mit vielfältigen Anschlussmöglichkeiten an Ihre Maschinen. Wir beraten Sie gern, welcher Transmitter-Sensor für Ihr Einsatzgebiet am besten geeignet ist. Mit Hilfe der mitgelieferten Software SENTAX, die unter Windows 10 läuft, können Sie die Daten von Temperatur Transmitter und Feuchtigkeit Transmitter individuell auswerten und verwalten.

The new USB Sensors measure relative humidity, temperature, melting point and absolute humidity. They are run directly by a USB Port of a computer. The OHT-20 is offered in three variations: Type A, B or C.
Type A has a precision of +- 1,5%RH for humidity and in temperature a precision up to +-0,1 degrees Celsius. In connection with the delivered measuring software is is a very flexible and precise measuring system with data logger limit monitoring.
measurement in real time transferred to excel sheets or data text file
calibrated digital sensor
measuring data logging, monitoring and protocol software for free
integration to in-house applications by Embedded DLL possible
LabView- compatible like in example- vi
Exchangeable sensor head

freely programmable output signals for relative humidity/temperature/melting point/absolute humidity/output switch
deployable as stand-alone second level controller
switch outputadjustable to on/off delay
switch output Hysterese graphically adjustable
sensor designed like a module and therefore inter-lockable
LabView compatible
The measuring transducers of our SPS-system are freely programmable and measure the relative humidity, temperature und melting point of indoor air. They all have standard interfaces. The integrated 32 bit processor and a sophisticated firmware allow an outstanding precision. Due to its modular construction the sensors are especially suitable for industrial use.
Omni Sensors ist ein kalibriertes Messsystem für Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit, das sich durch eine sehr hohe Präzision an Messergebnissen auszeichnet. Wir liefern Ihnen Datenlogger Temperatur und Datenlogger Feuchtigkeit auf Wunsch auch mit einem Kalibrierzertifikat (DAkkS), das die Voraussetzungen für eine ISO 9000 Zertifizierung Ihrer Produktionsprozesse erfüllt. Im Lieferumfang enthalten ist die interaktive Messwerterfassungssoftware SENTAX, mit der die Ausgänge als absolute Feuchte, relative Feuchte, Temperatur oder gar Taupunkt konfiguriert und zudem bei Bedarf kalibriert werden können.
Um den Messprozess zu überwachen und zu dokumentieren, können Sie den Datenlogger mit einem USB-Transmitter einfach an den USB-Port Ihres PCs anschließen und nach Ihren Anforderungen konfigurieren. Mit SENTAX lassen sich eine Vielzahl verschiedener Sensoren gleichzeitig verwalten und Messwerte über längere Zeiträume vergleichen. Zum Softwarepaket gehört eine Embedded-DLL, mit der Sie das Messsystem für Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit in ihre eigenen Applikationen einbinden können. Die erfassten Daten sind mit anderen Anwendungen, wie z.B. Microsoft Excel oder LabView kompatibel. Rufen Sie uns an. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, aus der Vielzahl innovativer Produkte das passende für Ihre individuellen Anforderungen auszuwählen.











Your contact person:
Thomas Breitbach